Another cancer therapy I would try would be the megavitamin treatment of cancer. In 1936 the agriculture industry met with the government and told them that the ground was depleted of minerals. I believe we all have some form of "dinner table heredity". In that if the mother was deficient in a vitamin or mineral when pregnant, the offspring will "inherit" that deficiency and the disease that that deficiency brings. Intravenously administered Vitamin C seems to work well with advanced stages of cancer. Although depending on which stage the cancer was at, I would first try the oral Vitamin C, along with Vitamin B-3, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Folic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, Selenium, Calcium and Magnesium, Zinc & Copper.
Visit Doctor Yourself
Or: Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy:
megavitamin cancer therapy
Labels: cancer, natural cure, prevention
Hello Readers,
There will be many times that I will suggest a web site for you. Most of these sites may have products for you to purchase, or claim that what they sell is the ‘best,’ but I am in no way dropping a hint that you put down your hard-earned cash for any of them. That is entirely up to you. I only offer the suggestions in order for readers, like yourself, to gain a better understanding of the topics that may be discussed here. After all, it’s become very difficult to find a web site which doesn’t have some sort of advertisements or something for sale. We make nothing from referring you to any site, other than the satisfaction of passing on the information within.
That being said, lets get back to the cesium issue in dealing with cancer. Check out this web site about the Cancer Cover-Up. This site is chock full of information about cesium and body ph, and how it all adds up to....I have to use that “Cure” word again....curing cancer.
Visit Cancer Cover-Up
Want the recipe for Essiac? For those interested in knowing more about the Essiac Formula:
Visit The Truth About Essiac
The recipe can also be found at:
Visit The Rene M. Caisse Memorial Room
You may find it difficult to find some of the ingredients to make it on your own, but there is also a site where you can purchase Essiac in a powder form, vegicaps, or a liquid extract.
Visit Essiac Canada
While you're at it, you may also want to check out another site to find out about a boy named Billy Best, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease in 1994. Another Essiac story. He was sixteen at the time.
Visit The Boy Who Ran Away From Chemotherapy
Hope this information helps you.
Labels: cancer, natural cure, prevention
Rene Caisse worked as head nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in Northern Ontario. Most of you reading this were not around then, as this all happened back in the 1920s. Nurse Caisse met a patient who was diagnosed with advanced cancer of her right breast and the doctors told her that the breast must be removed.The woman found a very old man in the mining camp who also told her that she had cancer, but he could cure it. That’s right....the big “C” word. The word that today’s doctors don’t understand. He could cure it. The old-timer just happened to be an Indian medicine man.Wait, don’t stop reading just yet. The CURE was found in nature in the form of herbs that the old medicine man showed her. He recommended she make a tea from the herbs, and told her to drink it every day.Nurse Caisse became very intrigued with this tea, and sometime later her mother’s sister was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and doctors gave her about six months to live. Rene Caisse knew her aunt’s doctor well, and told him of this ‘tea’ and convinced him to let her try it under his supervision. Since there was nothing he could do for her medically, he agreed.Rene’s aunt lived another 21 years and with no recurrence of the cancer.That was the beginning of what was from then after to be called Essiac, and the rest of the story is too long for the space here, but if you'd like to know more about Rene Caisse and essiac this is a must see four part video about her struggles.
Labels: cancer, natural cure, prevention
Our discussion for the month of September will be started by Sheila. I think it would be most appropriate to start out our blog by addressing one of the most alarming diseases of our modern world...Cancer and how to cure/prevent it... Readers, I guess my first question would be, what would you do if you found out you had cancer? I think after my first reaction of utter disbelief, I would look online to find cesium. It works the same as calcium but only faster. Cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment, so by taking calcium it makes your body alkaline. But unfortunately for someone who is 70 years old, it may take 2 years of calcium supplements to get the body alkaline. With cesium, it is a 33 day treatment, along with Vitamin D3. Of course the organic lifestyle would have to come into play here also. Sheila |
Labels: cancer, natural cure, prevention