
Hello Readers,
There will be many times that I will suggest a web site for you. Most of these sites may have products for you to purchase, or claim that what they sell is the ‘best,’ but I am in no way dropping a hint that you put down your hard-earned cash for any of them. That is entirely up to you. I only offer the suggestions in order for readers, like yourself, to gain a better understanding of the topics that may be discussed here. After all, it’s become very difficult to find a web site which doesn’t have some sort of advertisements or something for sale. We make nothing from referring you to any site, other than the satisfaction of passing on the information within.
That being said, lets get back to the cesium issue in dealing with cancer. Check out this web site about the Cancer Cover-Up. This site is chock full of information about cesium and body ph, and how it all adds up to....I have to use that “Cure” word again....curing cancer.
Visit Cancer Cover-Up

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