

Our discussion for the month of September will be started by Sheila. I think it would be most appropriate to start out our blog by addressing one of the most alarming diseases of our modern world...Cancer and how to cure/prevent it...

Readers, I guess my first question would be, what would you do if you found out you had cancer? I think after my first reaction of utter disbelief, I would look online to find cesium. It works the same as calcium but only faster. Cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment, so by taking calcium it makes your body alkaline. But unfortunately for someone who is 70 years old, it may take 2 years of calcium supplements to get the body alkaline. With cesium, it is a 33 day treatment, along with Vitamin D3. Of course the organic lifestyle would have to come into play here also.



Anonymous said...

I have never heard of that. What is it and where would I get it???
It is calcium?

Anonymous said...

This is a calcium derivitive? I have never heard of that. Where do we go to look at the information for it?

Anonymous said...

Hello there Kathy!!

I have never heard of using calcium to make the body alkaline. Likewise for cesium. This is a very interesting concept. Are there research papers out there covering this in more detail? Cancer is a blight on our society, a treatment like this if truly effective would beat the use of chemotherapy which is so damaging to our health. It is good to see people sharing knowledge, keep up the good work!

TheGnatStaff said...

Hello rowjim and anonymous,

For starters, you may want to check out this web site:


It may help you to get a better understanding of body ph levels, and how cesium and calcium can help in cancer treatment.


TheGnatStaff said...

Thank you Frank. You may also want to check out these two sites:
Also there is a book you may want to read, The Calcium Factor by R. R. Barefoot and Carl J. Reich, MD.
When I ordered it for my dad, the product was from Robert Barefoot, but I believe he was shut down by the FDA, and may be unable to sell it anymore.
