
Rene Caisse worked as head nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in Northern Ontario. Most of you reading this were not around then, as this all happened back in the 1920s. Nurse Caisse met a patient who was diagnosed with advanced cancer of her right breast and the doctors told her that the breast must be removed.The woman found a very old man in the mining camp who also told her that she had cancer, but he could cure it. That’s right....the big “C” word. The word that today’s doctors don’t understand. He could cure it. The old-timer just happened to be an Indian medicine man.Wait, don’t stop reading just yet. The CURE was found in nature in the form of herbs that the old medicine man showed her. He recommended she make a tea from the herbs, and told her to drink it every day.Nurse Caisse became very intrigued with this tea, and sometime later her mother’s sister was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and doctors gave her about six months to live. Rene Caisse knew her aunt’s doctor well, and told him of this ‘tea’ and convinced him to let her try it under his supervision. Since there was nothing he could do for her medically, he agreed.Rene’s aunt lived another 21 years and with no recurrence of the cancer.That was the beginning of what was from then after to be called Essiac, and the rest of the story is too long for the space here, but if you'd like to know more about Rene Caisse and essiac this is a must see four part video about her struggles.


Anonymous said...

Hi Frank,
You know I saw this years ago. Do you have an actual recipe for the Essiac?

Anonymous said...

The recipe for four herb essiac is easy to find by doing a web search. If you would like a free sample of eight-herb essiac (which I personally feel is superior) please feel free to contact me: lisa (at) essiac-tea-herbal-remedies.com.