
Colon Cleanse

Yes, the doctor will tell you that one bowel movement every three or four days is fine. It's not. Did you know that aboriginals used to have a 3 ft. long shit? That information was from National Geographic. If you eat three meals a day, you should be having 3 bowel movements per day. It should be softly formed and in the shape of a C. If you are not having this right now, I would suggest that you do a colon cleanse. All your organs and glands are tied into your colon, different parts of your colon affect your liver, heart, stomach, pancreas, adrenals, kidneys, etc. After a colon cleanse, a lot of people say other ailments disappear. Through EBA, my herbalist is able to tell how compacted your colon is. The optimal level is 10% compacted, which means 10% of your colon should be full. But unfortunately I find (especially on new people) that their colon is compacted as high as 70 - 80 %. A colon cleanse is not that bad, you'd be amazed at what comes out. But the alternative is to leave it in there, to rot and become cancerous. My herbalist has come up with two different concoctions based on your body type. All I can suggest is to find a product as close to this as possible. This is all natural, and there are no long term side effects. After the initial cleansing, you may have to take them on occasion as maintenance. They reverse diverticuli (pockets produced from "holding it in"). The ingredients are as follows: Herbal Cocktail - Hibiscus, Psyllium, Licorice, Cascarda Sagrada, Peppermint, Siberian Ginseng, Corn Silk. Colon Supreme - Psyllium, Licorice, Cascarda Sagrada, Red Clover, Kelp.
A colonoscopy will only tell you that you are full of shit, and of course the doctor will make you drink those horrible chemicals. A colonic does what a colon cleanse does, except they suck it out of you. Apparently it's not so bad after the first one. So if you find yourself snacking through the night or can't seem to lose weight, I think a colon cleanse is the place to start.
Check out - 'Why Should I do a Colon Cleanse?'
Also for the scoop on poop - 'bowel movements - what's normal?'



I can remember a time when reading a magazine was almost entertaining. Sure, you always saw an advertisement somewhere in the pages for a certain cigarette brand, or maybe several ads for whiskeys, but suddenly those ads became a bad standard. God forbid, a child may see a man gazing into the sunset while sitting on his horse. After all, he had a cigarette in his mouth and that photograph would cause all young children to notice nothing but the cigarette, and this in turn, would cause all young children to start smoking and eventually become unhealthy adults.
Those days are long gone, but those troubling ads have been replaced with something even more dangerous. It’s difficult to flip through any publication without seeing drug advertisements. We’ve become a population of people who may have become smokers or alcoholics, to the largest group of over-drugged people on this planet.
The United States ranks at about 4% of the world population, but....hold on to your drug pushing magazine....we consume nearly 70% of the world’s drugs. That, you say, should make us the healthiest group of individuals in the world.
WRONG AGAIN. Last I heard, the U.S. ranked near 49th position as far as life expectancy. How is that even possible? We have the technology. We have the educated doctors and nurses. We have the best drugs. We have the best hospitals and clinics and research teams that money can buy. How could this all be possible?
Think about it, and then realize that we, as only 4% of the world population, consume 70% of the drugs. I see a terrible pattern here that only makes those long-ago advertisements seem like a laughing matter.
It doesn’t take a biochemist or super scientist to understand that the problem just may lie in part to the massive quantities of drugs that we are being programmed to ‘ask our doctors about.’ Naturally, your doctor is all too happy to write that prescription for you....he’s making money. It doesn’t matter than you may not need that drug. Your doctor is supposed to be there to heal you and make you feel better. If it makes you feel better to leave his office with a brand new prescription to add to your growing drug collection already at home, he’ll write that prescription with a smile.
I grew up in those times when the dreadful advertisements were a hazard to my health, but I didn’t think, “O-o-o-o, the Marlboro Man....how cool. He smokes and I want to be just like him.” I thought, “Neat picture. Neat sunset. Neat horse. What a jerk. He smokes.” Apparently he was born before all those hazardous ads were pulled and he was lured in. Advertisements will do that to you. They lure you in to make you want to try whatever it is the company is trying to sell, then you run out and get the product and before you realize it, you’re a junkie.
The point I’m trying to make here, in a round about way, is that these pulled ads have been replaced with ads that are far worse and even more hazardous to your health and the health of every citizen of every country. It’s all in the form of higher profits for your doctors and the pharmaceutical companies.
I was just checking out the April 2007 issue of Reader’s Digest. Took a look at the cover, and I see there’s a writeup somewhere about Halle Berry, but the big story is “How Safe Is Your Food?” I’ll have to read that later.
I turn the front cover, and the next page to see the index for the featured articles and I see that “How Safe Is Your Food” can be found on page 120. Turning the page again, I find the index for Reader’s Digest Columns and there it is. Right there on the following three pages is GlaxoSmithKline’s ad for Avodart.
Avodart is used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. In other words, an enlarged prostate in men. The ad goes along to say that men taking the drug should not donate blood for at least six months after taking the final dose of Avodart. The reason? The blood donation may end up in a female who may be pregnant. It seems that if a woman is carrying a male baby and she’s exposed to Avodart, the baby may be born with abnormal sex organs. It also says that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant shouldn’t handle Avodart. Sounds to me like this stuff is pretty dangerous.



Flu Shots

Well, the media is at it again, and I suppose it’s that time of year for them to show strong support for the pharmaceutical giants. My local newspaper, and I’m sure many others across the country are doing their best to put that ‘fear’ into citizens about the dangers of the upcoming flu season. I see a half-inch high, bold title that says, “The flu is serious, so get that flu shot.”
In the first paragraph they tell of the fears of the public health officials three years ago, when a vaccine shortage would ‘leave millions of Americans without protection’ during the flu season. They then go on to say that after the drug companies worked continuously to fill the shortage, they ran into another problem: They had plenty of the vaccine left over after the flu season because so many people didn’t bother to get the shots. I say, good for those people who didn’t bother to get the shots. I’m sure they’re healthier because of it.
It seems to me that after the big Viox lawsuit, the drug companies had to make up for the money that was lost. What better way to do that than come up with another outrageous ploy and scare to sell another useless medication in the form of a flu vaccine.
The article goes on to say that about 226,000 people in the United States must be hospitalized due to complications from the flu, and an average of 36,000 people die as the result of the flu. It doesn’t get into details of how many people died from complications in using Viox or other prescription medications. Another thing that isn’t mentioned is how many of these 226,000 hospitalizations or how many of these 36,000 deaths were people who took the advice of a physician or the news media, and actually went out and got the influenza vaccination. Studies are always biased in favor of the pharmaceutical companies in that regard.
The Pennsylvania Medical Society’s Institute for Good Medicine took a poll and found that less than half of the people polled plan to get a flu shot this season. First of all, I never believed in ‘Good Medicine,’ but once again, I say, good for these people! The Medical Society President, Peter S. Lund stated that influenza “is highly contagious and potentially life-threatening.” Personally, I think it’s “potentially life-threatening” to rely on a medical doctor for anything other than a very serious emergency, since they know very little about health.
There is also a list of individuals who, they say, are especially at risk. It reads: Those with a chronic medical condition such as heart disease, asthma, chronic pulmonary disease, weakened immune system or diabetes; children under 5; children ages 6 months to 18 years who are on long-term aspirin treatment; women who will be pregnant during the flu season; people over 50; residents of long-term care facilities and nursing homes; health care workers.
It seems that just about covers everyone who visits a medical doctor on a regular basis. After all, you would probably not be in that condition if you would just stay away from the medical model of treating a symptom instead of treating the cause. Most doctors know nothing about the cause and only treat symptoms. It’s what they were taught.
This list of individuals, I think, should be the very last people to receive a flu vaccine. You’re already health compromised, so why would you let a doctor talk you into taking ‘the shot’ which may, because of the contaminants in the vaccine, do you more harm than good?
Why would you, as a pregnant woman, subject the unborn fetus growing inside your body to the risk and toxins of a flu shot? Of course, your doctor will tell you that your baby won't be at harm, but think about it....anything you put into your body during pregnancy will eventually get into your baby's system. That’s just the way it works. You are the life-line to that little wonder inside. Why take the chance?
Why would you, as a person with an already weakened immune system, subject yourself to receive a flu shot that may weaken you even more?
According to current evidence in the October issue of Lancet Infectious Diseases, the elderly may receive “little or no benefit” from annual influenza vaccinations. In the last 27 years, flu vaccinations have increased from 15% to 65%, but recent mortality studies have NOT shown a decrease in influenza related mortality. In other words, they’re saying, ‘the influenza vaccination doesn’t work.’
CTV Canada, claims that the supply of vaccine that has already been sent out to clinics across Canada contain two viruses that don’t even match the bug that’s running through the country, so in turn, may do little to ward off the flu.
From the ABC News Medical Unit comes word of guidelines to set up mandated flu vaccination for every man, woman and child. Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. is responsible for this nightmare.
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Check out the ABC News writeup
